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The Radiant Dragon
The Cloakmaster Cycle - Book 4
Item code:
Elaine Cunningham
Cover Art:
Kelly Freas
Softcover novel
312 pages
Print Runs:
First (Nov. 1992)
Cover Price:
$4.95 U.S.
200 grams
width: 10.5 cm
height: 17.5 cm
depth: 2.0 cm
"Teldin Moore is looking for the great ship Spelljammer. A radiant dragon
holds the key to commanding the great ship but needs Teldin's help to take control.
Meanwhile, the elves seek his assistance in the second Unhuman War, where a group
of elf-hating monsters trades with goblinoids for a secret weapon against the elven
Imperial Fleet. But someone in Teldin's inner circle is pulling all parties toward
The Tome of Treasures Rating:
The misery starts at the very first page. Several unbelievable "coincidences" occur,
including the totally unnecessary resurfacing of characters from the previous books (Vallus Leafbower, Estriss) - only the giff Gomja was missing.
What is remarkable about the book is the complete lack of suspense, the missing ability
to identify with or feel for any of the main characters.
In her desperate attempt to create a finely woven net of intrigue like Nigel Findley did so well in Into the void,
Cunningham utterly fails. Running gag of the book is a scro war general as the "Big Bad Guy", who is just a laughable cheap copy of
Roger Moore's General Vorr (The Maelstrom's Eye, 1992). With every page turned, it becomes clearer that this project was just a job for Elaine Cunningham.
Worst of all is the end of the novel. The final battle is so badly choreographed that it is already funny to read. It fits, that the farewell
scene on the final page is pure kitsch. Luckily, it was Cunninghams only attempt on a Spelljammer novel.
Conclusion: Only for die-hard Spelljammer fans who wish to continue the novel series. (RALF TOTH)
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