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Into the Void
The Cloakmaster Cycle - Book 2
Item code:
Nigel Findley
Cover Art:
Kelly Freas
Softcover novel
312 pages
Print Runs:
First (Sept. 1991)
Cover Price:
$4.95 U.S.
200 grams
width: 10.5 cm
height: 17.5 cm
depth: 2.0 cm
"Plunged into a sea of alien faces, Teldin Moore isn't sure whom to trust. His gnomish
sidewheeler is attacked by space pirates, and Teldin is saved by a hideous mind flayer
who offers to help the human use his magical cloak - but for whose gain? Teldin learns
the basics of spelljamming, and he seeks an ancient arcane, one who might tell him more."
The Tome of Treasures Rating:
The sequel to the first Spelljammer novel is even better than the original. Nigel Findley's debut
is a great fantasy story and defines the look and feel of the Spelljammer universe. His version of Teldin differs
hardly from Cook's original. The newly introduced mind flayer Estriss is as powerful a character as Gomja was in the
previous book. Co-starring are Captain Aelfred Silverhorn and the elf Vallus Leafbower,
a suspicious character from the Elven Imperial Fleet. Findley skillfully weaves a web of intrigue and wraps up the reader
inside a cocoon of gripping tension. Into the Void is a thriller, it's vivid scenes of space battle
and the colorful descriptions of the spelljamming races define the look and feel of space spelljamming travel and battle.
Love and treachery, the black horror of the neogi spiderships, the rapidly culminating chain of events aboard the hammership Probe
are blended to the best fantasy space novel ever written.
Conclusion: Definitely the best Spelljammer novel of the cloakmaster cycle. Nigel Findley
adds the final touch to the Spelljamming campaign setting with this awesome fantasy space novel. (RALF TOTH)
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