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Beyond the Moons
The Cloakmaster Cycle - Book 1
Item code:
David Cook
Cover Art:
Jeff Easley
Softcover novel
312 pages
Print Runs:
First (July 1991)
Cover Price:
$4.95 U.S.
200 grams
width: 10.5 cm
height: 17.5 cm
depth: 2.0 cm
"Little did Teldin Moore know there was life beyond Krynn's moons - until a crashed spelljamming
ship demolished his farm and changed his life! With a dying alien's magical cloak and cryptic words,
Teldin quickly discovers that he's a popular fellow. He and his giff companion race to find Astinus
of Palanthas and the gnomes of Mount Nevermind to learn why, before the monstrous neogi can find them!"
The Tome of Treasures Rating:
It is not always the best idea, to have a game designer write a novel. In case of Beyond the Moons
author David "Zeb" Cook did a marvelous job. His style is a little rough-eged and far from elegant, yet
it is this style of writing which gives the novel its authentic feeling. Cook surprises with the introduction
of vividly drawn main characters. Teldin Moore starts out as a poor farmer and ends up being one of the most sought
individuals in the spelljammer cosmos. The tale around his mystery magical cloak unfolds during the five sequels to this
novel. Teldins motives are proper and in the following chain of events he acts naturally. The reader
feels sympathy for this poor farmer, that has been drawn into space. His comrade Gomja, the giff, is equally delighting
and interesting. Cooks hilarious and funny descriptions of the gnomish Mount Nevermind on Krynn make us laugh,
while Teldins' encounters with the frightening Neogi, a fearful alien race create gripping tension and real terror.
David Cook can take credit for having grabbed Jeff Grubb's ingenious and ground-breaking Spelljammer campaign world
and breathed life into one of the most creative campaign sets ever released for the AD&D system.
Conclusion: Awesome introduction into the world of the Spelljammer universe. Cook's rough, yet powerful style and superbe main characters
combine with an innovative and humorous story. (RALF TOTH)
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