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Celts Campaign Sourcebook
Historical References series #3
Softcover, 96 pages
Print Runs:
1st (1992)
Cover Price:
$15.00 U.S.
325 grams
Width: 21,5 cm; Height: 27,5 cm; Depth: 0,7 cm
Collectors value: Collectable condition indicates that the map that came with the book is still attached to it.
"Celts - from these powerful barbarians who ruled Europe for centuries and challanged the might of Rome came the Druids,
bards, and even the original legend of King Arthur. They ranged from Scotland to Greece and from Spain to Asia Minor,
trading, raiding, and establishing a culture that is still alive today. Join mighty heroes like the legendary Cu Chulainn
or the woman-warrior Boudicca in wars against the Romans or the giant Formorians, compete in feats of skill like
chariot-jumping and spear-catching, or wander the half-world of the elflike sidhe. The battle frenzy is strong and the call
to war rings clear!"
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