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The Complete Book of Necromancers
Dungeon Master's Guide Rules Supplement series #8
Softcover, 128 pages
Print Runs:
1st (1995)
Cover Price:
$18.00 U.S.
350 grams
Width: 21,5 cm; Height: 27,5 cm; Depth: 0,8 cm
Collectors value: This is easily the most wanted of the Rules Supplements. Though a DMs book, many players find it
very attractive to play a Necromancer. Also, the contents of the book are of high quality. Expensive, though easily available.
One of the few 2nd Edition books which rate far above cover price nowadays.
"'Come, let us explore the art of necromancy together.' - the arch-necromancer Kazerabet
Necromancers like Kazerabetand their priestly counterparts have mastered many dark, forbidden secrets.
This time reveals these mysteries to the Dungeon Master, who will find new NPC kits
and volumes of necromancer's minions, familiars, secret societies, poisons, magical items,
enchanted tomes, and dozens of new wizard and priest spells, plus the deadly Isle of Necromancers,
a portable setting which can be placed into any existing campaign."
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