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Road To Danger
Project Leaders:
Bill Slavicsek
Thomas Reid
Art Director:
Dawn Murin
Cover Art:
Clyde Caldwell
Interior Art:
Dennis Cramer
64-page booklet
Print Runs:
→ 1st (1998)
Cover Price:
$12.95 U.S.
150 grams
Width: 21,5 cm; Height: 27,5 cm; Depth: 0,4 cm
"For a group of unsung heroes, the challenge begins with six adventures originally presented in DUNGEON® Adventures magazine:
- Grakhir's Lair by John Nephew: The villain responsible for the bloody battle at Nolivari remains at large. Catch him before he attacks again.
- Trouble At Grog's by Grant and David Boucher: When a crime wave threatens the town of Dagger Rock, a half-ogre innkeeper calls upon brave heroes to find the culprits.
- The Stolen Power by Robert Kelk: The priests of Highland need help to catch a thief and recover a book of infinite spells from his wilderness retreat.
- The Matchmakers by Patricia Nead Elrod: A love affair torn by treachery threatens to plunge the city of Povero into civil war.
- Roarwater Caves by Willie Walsh: A xvart shaman needs brave heroes to attack his own lair, but are the perils worth the reward?
- The Inheritance by Paul Culotta: A keep on the edge of civilization has fallen to the ruthless Lostafinga tribe. Remove the threat, and claim the castle as your prize!
Road to Danger is a collection of low-level adventures for the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game. Each adventure stands alone, but any or all of them can be inserted easiley into an ongoing AD&D®
campaign designed to challenge low-level characters and prepare them for even greater dangers down the road!"
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