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Child's Play |
World of Greyhawk (WG) series #10
32-page booklet
Print Runs:
First (1989)
Value @NrMint:
Cover Price:
100 grams
width: 21.0 cm height: 27.5 cm depth: 0.2 cm
Collectors arcana: Shrinkwrapped items add 50% to their base value.
Two interior paintings are on display inside our online Original Art Gallery:
"This action-packed adventure module is especially designed to give beginning dungeonmasters
and players help in learning the AD&D® game system.
But don't be fooled by the title! The adventure is far from easy - in fact, it has challenges that can bring
the careless character's adventuring career to an abrupt halt!
Filled with surprises and excitement, the adventure is still easy to referee - and during the game,
players and the DM alike will pick up tips and information that will provide useful for many games to come!"
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