Tim Hildebrandt and his twin brother Greg are world famous fantasy artists. Their fame started, when they were commissioned to do the 1976 Tolkien calendar with themes from Lord of the Rings.
For the two consecutive years, they did all the paintings for the calendar. Many of these paintings became world-famous and the originals
sell for $100,000 and more. You can have a look at those extraordinaire pictures at the website
Their working technique was incredible. Being identical twins and having followed the same interests since birth, they
developed a style of painting which allowed them to work on a painting simoultaneously. For the large centerfolds, one brother
would start at the left, the other at the right and they would meet somewhere in the middle!
In 1981, they went seperate ways to pursue their own careers.
Tim Hildebrandt died on June 11, 2006 - at the age of 67 from complications due to diabetes.
