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Vikings Campaign Sourcebook
Historical References series #1
Softcover, 96 pages
Print Runs:
1st (1991)
2nd (April 1991)
Cover Price:
$15.00 U.S.
325 grams
Width: 21,5 cm; Height: 27,5 cm; Depth: 0,7 cm
Collectors value: Collectable condition indicates that the map that came with the book is still attached to it.
Distinctive features between printings: A 2nd printing is easily identified by the entry "Second Printing: April 1991" in the copyright page.
"'From the wrath of the Northmen, O Lord, deliver us ...'
Now you can take your campaign and player characters into the realms of the Northmen. This is
no mere fantasy world - this sourcebook is set in the historical world of Viking legend. Included in this
sourcebook are new character classes, new magic, new spells, new monsters, new treasures and the necessary
background information on the life and times of the Vikings. Numerous floorplans and a full-color map of the Viking
world give you a complete role-playing package."
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