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The Chaos Curse
The Cleric Quintet Book Five
Item code: TSR8544
Type: Novel
Release: 1994
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Format: Softcover novel
330 pages
Print Runs: First (June 1994)
Rarity: Common
Value@NrMint: $3
ISBN: 1-56076-860-6
Cover Price: $4.95 U.S.
Weight: 200 grams
Dimensions: width: 10.5 cm
height: 17.5 cm
depth: 2.5 cm

Cadderly returns to the Edificant Library to find his life shattered. Danica, the library, and Cadderly's own livelihood are at stake as he tries to put the chaos curse to rest for good."
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