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1st Print
Dungeon Master's Design Kit
Item code: TSR9234
Type: Accessory
Release: 1988
Project Design: Harold Johnson
Aaron Allston
Editing: Christopher Mortika
Project Manager: Bruce Heard
Coordinators: Bruce Heard
Karen S. Boomgarden
Cover Art: Keith Parkinson
Interior Artist: George Barr
Format: 3 32-pages booklet,
two-fold cover (9234XXX1401)
Print Runs: 1st (1988)
Rarity: Common
Value@NrMint: $8
ISBN: 0-88038-599-5
Price: $8.95
Weight: 200 grams
Dimensions: Width: 21.5 cm;
Height: 27 cm;
Depth: 0.6 cm
Collectors arcana: Buyers should inquire about the condition of the item, if pages are missing or some of the sheets are filled out. Shrink-wrapped items add 100% to their base value.

"As any good Dungeon Master knows, preparation is the key to a great adventure. The more work is done in advance, the smoother the play session will go. And nothing turns players off faster than a DM fumbling for the right piece of information in the middle of a fast-paced session.

That's where the Dungeon Master's Design Kit comes in. Inside its 96 time-saving pages are scores of organizational ideas, refereeing hints, and ready-to-use materials that will make you a better-prepared, better-organized, and just plain better Dungeon Master — without spending a lot of extra time you don't have!

The Dungeon Master's Design Kit includes a 32-page book of forms, designed to keep important information together and ar your fingertips. A number of difficult refereeing situations are covered, including the chase scene, one of the toughest AD&D® game situations to judge. Another 32-page book contains the 'DM's Cookbook', full of ready-to-go ingredients that you can combine in a flash to spice up your campaign. The last book puts the package all together, including loads of practical advice on becoming a better DM.

So pick up the Dungeon Master's Design Kit, harried DM — and watch your AD&D® campaign take off!"

Book I: Adventure Design
Book II: Forms Book
Book III: Adventure Cookbook
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