Collector's Arcana: The Hollow World Campaign Setting consits of three books: A 128 Dungeon Master's Sourcebook, 64
page Player's Book and a 32 page Adventure Book. There are also four fold-out poster maps.
Description (From the back cover)
Within the sphere of the Known World is another world, the Hollow World. There your characters will meet
ancient Nithians, long disappeared from the surface of the world and thought extinct: Blacklore Elves living
in a magical valley and served by automatons - devices that take care of everything, from serving their food, to trimming
their grass: Azcans, terrifying, war-mongering natives whose whose taste for battle extends even into their
favorite game - the losers always die - and many more. Monsters abound as well, from dinosaurs to
In the Hollow World, the sun never sets. Magic works differently than it does "outside" - some spells
don't work at all. And quite often, getting in is much, much easier than getting out.